DIY: Evergreen Christmas Wreath

To continue my wreath-making streak from the fall, I decided to make Christmas wreaths for myself and to give away. I made two kinds: one with the traditional pine wreath and one with a “snow”-covered pine wreath (which I will post about soon!).

wreath1 wreath 2

Michael’s had these wreaths with the bows attached on sale for $10, which i thought was a great deal because to buy a bow and wreath separately would be double that price. I then bought big containers of shatterproof ornament balls. I went for a red and silver theme, but I was equally temped by red and gold. I love traditional red and green too but I didn’t think the green would stand out enough against the wreath. I bought ornaments in two different sizes; standard ones and smaller ones to fill in the holes.


Next, I laid out the ornaments on the wreath just to make sure I liked how it looked and then I hot glued everything on. Very simple! And I love it.

With the set of ornaments I bought, I had enough to make two wreaths so I got two different kinds of bows, but I prefer the one with the bow at the bottom.