DIY: Hot Sauce

I think most women will agree, men are hard to buy gifts for. I never know what to get them because it seems like they don’t need anything, or whatever they want is so practical and boring that I don’t want to buy it for them.

This Christmas I think I managed to get the perfect gift for my brother (which is kind of unfortunate because I don’t know how I’ll top it next year!) courtesy of my favorite company Darby Smart. I knew my brother would never make these hot sauces himself, so I decided to tackle it on my own.


I was a bit nervous about this because I’m not a fan of very spicy foods, but my brother loves the heat, so I didn’t know if I would be able to make it hot enough. Plus, the directions they give you are very loose – they make suggestions, but not with any specific measurements, of what ingredients to use. But like most things, when you’re apprehensive at the start, it just makes it that much more satisfying when you successfully complete the task!


The kit included six glass bottles, dried peppers, spices, and vinegar. I provided the other fresh ingredients.

I loosely followed the suggested recipes that came with the kit, and I tried to make a range of mild, medium, and hot with different flavors. Darby Smart provided a free PDF of the labels to print and use, which I was able to customize with a name. My favorites are Caribbean because it has fruity flavors like pineapple and mango, and the garden chipotle which has a kick but is toned down by the cilantro and pinch of garlic.


Making these would probably be a fun couple or group activity. Taste testing and trying different ideas is always a fun way to bond. Or it’s a great gift for someone who loves to cook or eat with spice, like my brother. He seemed to really enjoy it, which made me happy.

Let me know of any other unique gift ideas you’ve given or seen for the men in your life – I’d love to know more!

Enjoy xx